At Nahak, we feel the urge to contribute to the society by way of making use of information available through ICT (Internet, Computer & Telephony) and using our knowledge & creative thinking to make a self sustaining model, which works for alleviation of human suffering.
We strongly believe that knowledge, an asset, sporadically held in the world should be collected-collated and disseminated to be used in the society towards alleviation of sufferings of its members. Society has a right to information & knowledge. It can make miracles through ICT & Networking!
Thus, we collect - collate - analyse and utilise knowledge and information and make it available for the needy through networking and forming working models & concepts, which can be implemented at grass root level.
We have taken up social problems of healthcare with a view to alleviate human sufferings in a developing country like India. To begin with, we have on hand three community welfare projects as under :
No More Blood Shortage Globally
Bridging the demand-supply gap in Blood. We were awarded by Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad as an innovative social model. More information
Removal of Corneal Blindness
adopting WHO scheme "Vision 2020 - The Right to Vision". More information
Highway Rescue Project
We have participated in developing a concept to save lives on
highway due to accidents. The experiment has generated fantastic result saving 3000 lives and limbs. More information
Save Petrol
A concept paper based on “Shared taxi Model” of Europe is develop to address traffic problems in Indian cities. This has following benefits:
- Increased revenue to taxi/ auto Rickshaw drivers.
- Low tariff for public
- Point to point service
- Services available round the clock at any destination
- Low pollution due to shared services
- Multiplier effect to economy (like telecom)
Barter Bank for jobs generation
The concept utilizes available resources effectively. The resources are a) idle time available with unemployed and b) perpetual / vexed problem of society like dead inventories etc.
We propose to use (a) idle time available with unemployed, to solve situation (b). The project model is designed taking into consideration the local conditions.
We propose to use global demand/supply platform like eBay.
No more hunger
As per Indian tradition on any auspicious day, Indians tend to treat poor by giving food. The concept proposes to create database of demand (poor or people who need free food) and supply (who are interested in giving). We propose to create a portal where they can be monitored -managed - organized.
We have also interesting ICT Model for Railways, Public Hospitals, Old Age Homes which will generate employment and create opportunities at NO or LOW cost.
All these ICT based projects are self sustainable, replicable, networking oriented and economically viable with no or low cost.
We have taken our models involving multi-stake holders to the World Community by presentations and paper submissions made at various International Platforms
We are open for co-operation with any Government Institution / Organisation / NGO for implementation of the above listed projects, anywhere in the world, on a Not-For-Profit basis. Likewise, we can work for devising similar ICT and Networking models to address and solve different problems of human suffering.